elections to Board! Friday, 27th March at 12h00 (CET)


Dear colleagues, I ask you to take part in the elections (today) and support the only candidate from our Russian Chapter - Nikolai Bobylev


Best regards,


You must have letter

Dear MCAA Members, 


Following previous communication/email regarding the MCAA General Assembly 2020 and the online elections, we are now providing additional information about the election/voting process:

  • The elections process will open on Friday, 27th March at 12h00 (CET) and close on Saturday, 28th March at 12h00 (CET)

  • To cast your vote please use this link and make sure you are logged-in to the MCAA portal.  

  • For further information about the candidates, you can access the following pages

    • Overview of candidates - link

    • Election forum - link

    • Candidates’ videos - link


We would like to add that there will be NO proxies for the online election, meaning that each member should vote for himself/herself. Once the polls close, the results can be visualized through this page.


If you have further questions, or need clarifications, please do not hesitate to reach us at contact@mariecuriealumni.eu


Уважаемые коллеги, прошу вас принять участие в выборах совета директоров и поддержать единственого участника в члены совета с правом решающего голоса о от Российской Ячейки - Николая Бобылева. Можно голосовать за 6 человек в данной позиции, но нам лучше, если у ваш будет голос только за одного -за Николая.

Спасибо. Борис.


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