Fighting coronavirus together for the Balkans

Dear colleagues,

Given the new situation with the COVID19 pandemic, I feel obliged, as a medical doctor and epidemiologist working at Erasmus MC in Rotterdam (originally from Serbia), to offer my help in the ways I can. I would like to aid my country and the region with offering volonteering work on data analysis and visualisation of epidemiological markers from Balkan. There are already such efforts going on in the europe like this one: or 

I wanted to check with you are you aware of any kind of similar effort in the Balkans or would you like to join me and do something together? I have in plan to contact institutions in Serbia and try to access the available data and offer my help. I think we could benefit from geographical identification of the spread, pinpointing different behavioral patterns and try to estimate prediction models. 

Do you have another idea? Can you do the same in your country? Please let me know! 



Ivana Prokic, MD, PhD

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