Host for MSCA individual fellowship on nano-deposition processes (updated - contact information)

The Fraunhofer Institute for Organic Electronics, Electron Beam and Plasma Technology FEP is located in Dresden and focuses on developing innovative solutions, technologies and processes for surface modification and organic electronics.

Our core technologies are electron beam technology, sputtering technology, plasma-activated high-rate deposition, high-rate PECVD, and technologies for organic electronics and IC-/System design, which we use to develop solutions for various industrial tasks in surface treatment, vacuum coating and for organic semiconductors.


We are looking for a highly motivated post-doc, willing to draft a Marie Skłodowska-Curie proposal (MSCA-IF)

Proposed research topics listed below :

- Electro-Spray Ionization (ESI) process.

- Nano-particle gas aggregation sources

- Sputtering epitaxy

- Influence of Sputtering targets micro and nano-structures

But we are open to any other topic if relevant to our activities, and depending on candidate's resume.


Candidate should have a solid physics or chemistry Background, a reasonable publication list, and ideally project writing / project management skills.

Don't hesitate to forward this offer. For further information please contact:

Harry Nizard

Technical University Dresden – Solid-State Electronics Laboratory

Fraunhofer FEP – Institute for Organic Electronics, Electron Beam and Plasma Technology
Dresden, Germany

+49 351 2586 398

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