
MCAA greatly acknowledges the support from funding agencies for following projects. If you would like to collaborate with us for proposal submission, please use the contact form to reach out to us. 

Running Projects

MCAA as beneficiary

Project Name: MCAA new horizon: Enhancing the impact of MSCA Alumni on the European Research Landscape

Start Date: 01.10.2022 

Programme: HORIZON.1.2 - Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) 

Short description: The MCAA-new-horizon project will provide support to the management of the Marie Curie Alumni Association (MCAA) as well as to the implementation of its core activities. The MCAA is an international non-profit organisation that brings together current and past Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) fellows. Its main goal is to increase the impact of the MSCA, by promoting networking opportunities for the alumni, by supporting their career development, and by providing feedback to the European Commission (and other organisations) on the MSCA and other policies.


Project Name: European Citizen Science (ECS)

Start Date: 01.08.2022 

Programme: HORIZON.4.2 - Reforming and enhancing the European R&I System

Short description: The overall objective of ECS is to widen and strengthen the European Citizen Science community through capacity building and awareness raising activities such as the creation of a European Citizen Science Academy and the establishment of a network of 28 ECS Ambassadors. ECS will capitalise on EU-funded actions such as the EU-Citizen.Science platform and Cos4Cloud to support links and collaboration between members of the European Citizen Science community, who will be involved in the co-design and co-creation of a large variety of services, strategic priorities, training opportunities and policy recommendations. 


Project Name: Open Universal Science (OPUS)

Start Date: 01.09.2022

Programme: HORIZON.4.2 - Reforming and enhancing the European R&I System

Short description: The Open and Universal Science (OPUS) project will develop coordination and support measures to reform the assessment of research and researchers at Research Performing Organisations (RPOs) and Research Funding Organisations (RFOs) towards a system that incentivises and rewards researchers to practise Open Science. We understand the term ‘Open Science’ to refer to practices providing open access to research outputs, early and open sharing of research, participation in open peer-review, measures to ensure reproducibility of results, involving all stakeholders in co creation.


Project Name: Sustainable Careers for Researcher Empowerment (SECURE)

Start Date: 01.01.2023

Programme: HORIZON.4.2 - Reforming and enhancing the European R&I System

Short description: The Sustainable Careers for Researcher Empowerment (SECURE) project will develop coordination and support measures to create, trial, implement, and mainstream a common Research Career Framework (RCF) that offers a suite of options to support organisations in the recruitment, employment, training, development, progression, and mobility of researchers with the aim of improving research careers and reducing career precarity. The RCF will recognise the research profession across sectors, provide a career development and progression structure for research careers, recognise both research and transferable skills and competences, facilitate intersectoral collaboration and mobility, and offer solutions to the precariousness of research careers in academia. SECURE will test aspects of the RCF and TTL models in trials in four RPOs, one RFO, and one recruitment agency .


Project Name: Online, open learning recommendations and mentoring towards Sustainable research CAReers (OSCAR)

Start Date: 01.09.2020

Programme: ERASMUS+ Strategic Partnerships for higher education

Short description: Online, open learning recommendations and mentoring towards Sustainable research CAReers" proposal, aka OSCAR, is a concept serving the professional development of researchers, research master students and doctoral training participants by providing personalised training on researcher mental health and career development. This training will be done by a solution using AI based learning recommendations and state-of-the-art technology for online mentoring.


In-kind support to other projects

Project Name: Periconceptional Programming of Health Training Network (DohART-NET)

Start Date:01.07.2019

Programme: H2020-EU.1.3. - EXCELLENT SCIENCE - Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions

Short description: DohART-NET is training a new cohort of DOHaD researchers through evaluation of links between parents’ periconceptual ‘environment’ (for example their health, chemical stressors or stress) and their babies’ health. The studies are strengthened by inclusion of so-called test-tube babies, one of the best-defined groups in this critical time period.


Project Name: INnovation in Safety Pharmacology for Integrated cardiovascular safety assessment to REduce adverse events and late stage drug attrition. (INSPIRE)

Start Date:01.01.2020

Programme: H2020-EU.1.3. - EXCELLENT SCIENCE - Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions

Short description: The vision of INSPIRE is to advance and “inspire” Safety Pharmacology by exploring new technological capabilities to address emerging cardiovascular safety concerns.INSPIRE unites expertise from academic teams, technology-providers, pharmaceutical companies, regulators and hospitals to create a European training platform for 15 Early Stage Researchers (ESRs). 


Project Name: Gender-based violence and institutional responses: Building a knowledge base and operational tools to make universities and research organisations safe (UniSAFE)

Start Date:01.02.2021


Short description: UniSAFE is an EU-funded project that aims to produce better knowledge on gender-based violence and sexual harassment (GBV) in research performing organisations (RPOs), and to translate this knowledge into operational tools for higher education, research organisations and policymakers.


Project Name: Ionic Neuromodulation For Epilepsy Treatment (IN-FET)

Start Date:01.01.2020

Programme: H2020-EU.1.2. - EXCELLENT SCIENCE - Future and Emerging Technologies (FET)

Short description: The IN-FET consortium of academic and industrial partners has a laser-sharp focus on exploiting neuronal biophysics and electronic device modeling, to build a breakthrough technology for a brand new generation of brain pacemakers.


Project Name: gamma-MRI: the future of molecular imaging

Start Date:01.04.2021

Programme: H2020-EU.1.2. - EXCELLENT SCIENCE - Future and Emerging Technologies (FET)

Short description: UniSAFE is an EU-funded project that aims to produce better knowledge on gender-based violence and sexual harassment (GBV) in research performing organisations (RPOs), and to translate this knowledge into operational tools for higher education, research organisations and policymakers.


Closed Projects

Project Name: Enhancing professionalization of European graduate students through open science education, communication and mental health skills training(OEDUVERSE)

Start Date: 01.09.2019

End Date: 31.10.2022

Programme: ERASMUS+ Strategic Partnerships for higher education

Short description: The OEduverse project on “Enhancing professionalization of European graduate students through open science education, communication and mental health skills training” has been funded by the Erasmus+ programme for Strategic Partnerships. 


Project Name: Bridging the expectations gaps between PhDs, postdocs and industries in Flanders region

Start Date: 09.2018

End Date: 02.2019

Programme: Department of Economy Science & Innovation, Flemish GOvernment

Short description: The Flemish Government wishes to attract foreign (and retain Flemish) high potential researchers in Flanders. HR Tech start-up Kazi will make a PhD’s and Post-Docs’ “labour market map” to assess the nature and extent of the expectations gap between researchers and Flemish corporates. This expectations gap relates to interhuman skills such as team roles and personal work values, rather than (in addition to) remuneration expectations or “hard skills”.
