MCAA Magazine

Welcome to the MCAA IRRADIUM Magazine

IRRADIUM is one of the two main publication outlets of the Marie Curie Alumni Association. It is published in digital and print versions once a year, usually around February.

IRRADIUM is published by the Marie Curie Alumni Association - ISSN 2707-7071 (print) and ISSN 2707-708X (online).

Instructions for submission

IRRADIUM welcomes articles on any activity or project related to the MCAA and the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions. Articles are peer-reviewed by at least two member of the Editorial Board and/or Editorial Team. Authors publishing in IRRADIUM face no financial obligations for the publication of their article.

Before submission, authors are required to read both the Editorial Guidelines and the Editorial Rules - Instructions for Authors.

Articles should be submitted exclusively through the following form, by October for publication in the next year issue:

Managing Board

Oleksandra Ivashchenko, Editor-in-chief
Eliška Koňaříková, Managing Editor
Ashish Avasti, Associate Editor
Gian Maria Greco, Associate Editor
Maria Magdalena Razalan, Associate Editor
Maria Romano, Associate Editor

Editorial Board

Ashish Avasti
Christina Makoundou
Eliška Koňaříková
Gian Maria Greco
Kannan Govindaraj
Kira Keini
Maria Romano
Maria Magdalena Razalan
Oleksandra Ivashchenko
Pooja Khurana
Polat Goktas
Pradeep Eranti
Srishti Goyal


Any request concerning the IRRADIUM should be sent to

MARCH 2024

Letter from the Chair - MCAA Magazine March 2024

It is with great pleasure and a heart full of gratitude that I welcome you to the pages of IRRADIUM, our annual magazine. While I write this message, I am filled with immense pride for all that we, as the Marie Curie Alumni Association, have achieved together over the past years.


Editorial- MCAA: A 10-Year Journey - MCAA Magazine March 2024

This year holds significant importance in the history of the MCAA as we celebrate its 10-year anniversary. The content of this IRRADIUM is dedicated to commemorating this milestone, highlighting the impact the MCAA has made, and giving recognition to a dedicated group of former and current active MCAA members. All of you, despite being volunteers, have helped the organisation grow from the ground up.