If you are not an MCAA member, and you would like to communicate with the MCAA Board, please complete the form below. One of the Board members will reply as soon as possible, but please note that the Board are all volunteers who look after the MCAA in addition to their normal full-time job, and so they might not be able to reply immediately.
The Board reserves the right to delete without reply any message deemed to be advertising, or of a malicious or criminal intent.
NB: Although the MCAA aims to support the careers of its members (current or past beneficiaries of Marie Curie experiences), please note that the MCAA is not legally responsible for the European Commission’s H2020 programme or for Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions under this (or previous) programmes. Advice on any European Commission programmes should be best sought directly from European Commission services. For information on Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions, please consult the following official sources:
The personal information submitted with this form is saved on ACQUIA Εuropean servers and an external IT company that works under contract with MCAA has access to them. Access to this personal data is granted to a very small number of EC personnel in case of audit, to the MCAA relevant staff of the appointed EC contractor and to the MCAA Board, for the purpose of analysing and evaluating the application.