II MCAA Brazil Europe Workshop (Brazil Chapter) Botucatu, SP, Brazil

II MCAA BRAZIL-EUROPE WORKSHOP Multidisciplinary Research Perspectives


September 12th to 14th, 2018



São Paulo State University (UNESP)

School of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science

campus of Botucatu, SP - Brazil

Central de Aulas FMVZ- Fazenda Lageado







8h00 to 9h00 Registration


9h00 to 9h30 Opening Ceremony


9h30 to 10h40 Round table: European funding and tools for researcher mobility


1 - Marie Sklodowska Curie Actions (MSCA)/Pesquisa e Mobilidade pelas Ações Marie Sklodowska Curie - Elisa Natola, CONFAP


2 - European Research Council (ERC)- Charlotte Grawitz, EURAXESS Brazil


3 - EURAXESS- Charlotte Grawitz



10h40 to 11h00 Coffee Break



11h00 to 11h50 Conference: "Applying the model nematode Caenorhabditis elegans to understand anthelmintic drug uptake and mechanisms of resistance and to discover novel biological control agents" Prof Dr Tony Page, University of Glasgow, UK


12h00 to 14h00 Lunch


14h00 to 14h45 Conference: "Population genomics of protozoan pathogens" - Dr. William Weir, University of Glasgow, UK


14h45 to 16h00 MSCActions (MCAA Brazil Chapter members)


1- Brazilian participation in International Programs for Scientific Drilling & Discovery of the Continents and Oceans (ICDP/IODP): opportunities for BR-EU research collaboration. Dr Daniel Craig, UFF - Brazil


2 - Water-Energy-Food Nexus: A bridge for international research collaboration. Dr Ana Paula Bortoleto, UNICAMP - Brazil


16h00 to 16h20 Coffee Break



16h20 to 18h00 Round table: Internationalization


1- "Internationalization at UNESP, Brazil" - AREX/UNESP - Brazil


2 - "Internationalization at FMVZ, UNESP - campus Botucatu, Brazil" - José Roberto de Lalla Júnior & AREX/UNESP - Brazil


3 - "Internationalization of the University: going beyond academic mobility" - Dr Leonardo Dall´Agnol/ Vice-Chair MCAA Brazil Chapter/UFMA, Brazil






9h00 to 09h45 Conference: "The venenemia of accidents with Apis mellifera africanized bees: from bench to bed"- Dr Lucilene Delazari/CEVAP-UNESP, Brazil


9h45 to 10h30 Conference: "Genomics in bacterial transmission tracing and discovery" -

Dr Katarina Orvacova/University of Glasgow, UK


10h30 to 10h50 Coffee break


10h50 to 11h10- Keynote presentation (MCAA member): "Design and fabrication of sustainable nanocoatings for engineering application" Sundararajan Thirumalai/University of Cambridge, UK


11h10 to 12h10 Conference: Dyslipidemia in canine inflammatory diseases: lipoproteins as biomarkers - Dr Milica Kovacevic Filipovic, University of Belgrade - Serbia



12h10 to 14h15 Lunch



14h15 to 15h10 Keynote presentations


1 - 14h15 to 14h50 Impacto do ambiente social na saúde de jovens e adolescentes/ The impact of the social environment on youth’s health - Dr Jochen Junker, FIOCRUZ/RJ - Brazil


2 - 14h50 to 15h15 Trabalho e saúde de professores universitários - José Roberto de Lalla Júnior, UNESP, Botucatu - Brazil


15h15 to 16h00 Conference: "Animal and human virology at the Centre for Virus Research" Dr Pablo Murcia/University of Glasgow, UK



16h00 to 18h30 Networking Coffee and Poster Presentation


18h30 to 19h30 MCAA Brazil Chapter Board Meeting





9h00 to 10h30 Keynote presentations: Research at FMVZ, campus Botucatu


1 - 9h00 to 9h30 "New strategies to improve the efficacy of Streptococcus agalactiae eradication programs in dairy herds/Novas estratégias para o aumento da eficácia de programas de erradicação de Streptococcus agalactiae em rebanhos leiteiros". Prof. Dr José C. F. Pantoja - FMVZ/UNESP, Botucatu - Brazil


2 - 9h30 to 09h50 "Animal Production in Integrated Crop-Livestock Systems". Dr Cristiano Magalhães Pariz - FMVZ/UNESP, Botucatu - Brazil


3 - 09h50 to 10h10 "Leptospirose no Brasil e seus impactos na saúde pública/Leptospirosis in Brazil and its impact on public health". Dr Felipe Fornazari, FMVZ/UNESP, Botucatu - Brazil


4 - 10h10 to 10h30 "Qualidade do leite e sua importância para a saúde pública" Doutoranda Sâmea Fernandes Joaquim, FMVZ/UNESP, Botucatu - Brazil


10h30 to 10h50 Coffee break


10h50 to 11h40 Conference: "Group B streptococcus in people, cattle and fish - a health crisis waiting to happen?" Dr Ruth Zadoks/University of Glasgow, UK



11h40 to 12h10 Closing Ceremony


Online / Webinar

12 Sep 2018

Botucatu - São Paulo - Brazil

Event Start Date
12 Sep 2018

Event End Date
14 Sep 2018

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