Gian Maria Greco
I am a tenure-track Senior Researcher at the University of Macerata (Italy). My research focuses on the theoretical foundation and practical applications of access and accessibility studies, with…
I am a tenure-track Senior Researcher at the University of Macerata (Italy). My research focuses on the theoretical foundation and practical applications of access and accessibility studies, with…
Corinne, after an MSCA-Global Fellowship (GF) between the US and Italy, is currently an MSCA-COFUND researcher at the Italian Institute of Technology in Genoa. She is investigating new drug delivery…
Joaquin is from Zaragoza, Spain, where he studied Chemical Engineering. After a PhD in Fluid Mechanics, he did a postdoctoral period in Italy as researcher in a MSCA-IAPP project (Green Kitchen) with…
I am currently working as an assistant professort in the Future Everyday group at the department of Industrial Design of TU Eindhoven. My focus is on Human Factors of communication between…
Maria Magdalena is a biotechnology researcher working as a grants manager at the Academy of Medical Sciences in the UK, where she manages a portfolio of funding schemes for clinical researchers. In…
Biomedical researcher working in the funding agency sector in Ireland. Enthusiastic about collaborative, inclusive and innovative research.
Dr. Ornela Bardhi is a senior research scientist at Success Clinic transforming Real World Data (registries, EHRs, surveys, etc.) to Real World Evidence from the Nordic countries. Previously she was…
Farah Islam completed a BA in Psychology from McGill University (2016) and a MSc in Public Health from the Université de Montréal in (2018) (Montréal, Canada). In 2019, she obtained a Marie…
I am a molecular microbiologist, Independent Researcher in CONICET and a professor at the National University of Tucuman, Argentina. I worked in several countries abroad: the USA, Israel, and Germany…
Maria Romano is Biotechnologist and Researcher at the Italian National Research Council (IBB-CNR) in Naples. Her research activity focuses on understanding the molecular mechanisms of infectious…
Hakim is a European Affairs Manager at INSAVALOR in France, with expertise in research and project management. He is a co-founder of the pan-European network of MSCA Project Managers, currently known…
The MCAA has promoted the creation of Chapters in different geographic regions as a way of facilitating communication with its members and engaging them in the development of the Association. MCAA Chapters:
There are also several ‘Regional Groups’ that are not ‘official’ MCAA Chapters, but which provide similar local networking opportunities; these can be found in the ‘General Interest’ category under the ‘Groups’ tab in the top navigation menu.