Mini Survey from Policy WG on EU Commission consultation - urgent fill in by 30 August


Dear Chapter and WG chairs,


I apologize for the short notice, the Policy WG has a mini survey that we ask you to fill in and to send to your members as soon as possible. This is to help us writing a reply to a public consultation from the European Commission and the deadline is two weeks from now ! If you wish to be directly involved with the preparation of the MCAA response do let me know. Please find the text to diffuse and the links below.





Subject: How do you wish the EU-funded research and innovation to be shaped ?  


The European Commission has recently launched a public consultation on future objectives for EU-funded research and innovation. The MCAA is preparing a response to the Commission’s consultation, and would like to take into account the collective views of MCAA members in the response. We have prepared a questionnaire mirroring the official one to gather your views.  The deadline for participating is 30th August 2019.



Before completing this survey you may want to familiarize with the Orientations document issued by the Commission. It can be found HERE.

You may also want to see the introductory texts for each question on the original Commission’s public consultation, which can be found HERE

In addition to your contribution to the MCAA collective response you can reply the public consultation in your individual capacity.

For any queries contact


Best regards

MCAA, Policy Working Group



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