SECOND CALL of WIT project: another 8 PhD positions available within the MSCA COFUND project.


Deadline for submission of applications: 18th March 2023.

Wit is a highly competitive, merit-based, International Fellowship Programme aimed at attracting 16 Early-Stage Researchers (ESR) to develop a 36 months stay in Navarra, in order to work on innovative projects in the fields of HealthAutomotive-Mechatronics & Advanced Manufacturing and Energy, with the Artificial Intelligence applied as a cross-sectional area to each of the previous research lines. It is cofunded by the EU as part of the H2020 Marie Sklodowska-Curie Action Cofund. 

Navarra is a region in the north of Spain, near the border with France, renowned for its higher Education System and a national leader in talent attraction and retention. The PhD projects will be developed in the host universities in Navarra: Public University of Navarre (UPNA) and University of Navarra (UNAV) The 8 candidates who have obtained the predoctoral fellowship of the first call will soon arrive in Navarra, to start their doctoral programme in both universities.

All the info at: