Registration for EU Science Diplomacy Alliance Satellite

The Past, Present & Future of the EU Science Diplomacy Alliance
MCAA Annual Conference
Cordoba, Spain
February 23, 2023

Marie Curie Alumni Association (MCAA) will be chairing the European Science Diplomacy Alliance from January 2023 through June 2023. MCAA is organizing its annual flagship conference on  Challenges in science diplomacy & Sustainable development on February 24-25 in Cordoba, Spain (hybrid). As part of this conference, MCAA will be organizing an on-site (only) satellite event on February 23  "The Past, Present & Future of the EU Science Diplomacy Alliance''. MCAA is inviting the members of the Alliance to submit a proposal for presentation. We encourage submission on any topic related to science diplomacy; examples may include, but are not limited to: your experience as a science diplomat, science diplomat career, suggestions on how to better interface science and diplomacy, your experience within an organization related to Science Diplomacy. Proposals could include a look into the past history of science diplomacy, present issues or experiences of science diplomacy, or visions for the future of our Alliance with grounded suggestions and recommendations. Presentations will be selected with a view to drawing lessons and ideas for strengthening the Alliance.

The call for proposals is closed. Proposals can be submitted for either 5 min flash talk or 15 min talk including Q&A. The deadline for submission is January 31, 2023. 

Please register using this link 
Deadline for onsite participation: 10th February 2023 10:00 AM CET (CLOSED)
Deadline for online participation: 20th February 2023 10:00 AM CET

Note: registration to this satellite event does not grant access to the MCAA Annual Conference. To register for the MCAA Annual Conference please visit

Tentative Agenda

12:30Arrival of the participants 
13:00Lunch & Welcome Fernanda Bajanca
14:00Presentation of the MCAA Work ProgramMostafa Moonir Shawrav
14:15Journey from 3 projects to the Alliance  Elke Dall (Online)
Angela Schindler-Daniels
Claire Mays
Eric Piaget(Online)
Izaskun Lacunza
14:45European Science Diplomacy Agenda (ESDA)Jan Marco Mueller (Online) 
15:05Flash Talk: The role of boundary organizations in scientific brokerage service: a case for the Marie Curie Alumni Association in Science DiplomacyAntonino Puglisi
15:10Young Academies Science Advice Structure (YASAS) - new opportunities for involvement of EMCRs in Scientific Advice Mechanism for European CommissionJacek Kolanowski
15:25The role of the EU scientific diaspora in science diplomacyJavier Pardo Diaz
15:40Science Diplomacy for the research funding organizations & research performing organizationsLidia Borrel Damien (Online)
15:55Flash Talk:Women & Girls in Science & Technology :bearings for SDG 2030 and Science DiplomacyTanvir Kabir
16:00Perspective from Member States on ESDA Martina Hartl (Online)
16:15Science Diplomacy in citiesAlexis Roig
16:30Coffee Break
17:00Data Diplomacy: updating science diplomacy to the Big Data era from humanities point of viewGianluigi Maria Riva
17:15On the need for science diplomacy for the next evolution in brain researchRenaud Jolivet 
17:30Geneva Science and Diplomacy AnticipatorMarga Gual Soler
17:45Concluding RemarkMostafa Moonir Shawrav
18:00End of the event