Croatia Chapter
The Croatia Chapter is part of the MCAA and encourages local networking, recruits and attracts new members to the Association, and generally enhances the image of the MCAA within Croatia.
All MCAA members of Croatian nationality, or MCAA members residing in the chapter’s geographical area, can become a member of the Croatia Chapter.
To contact us:
Membership of the Chapter is free!
To join the Chapter, you need to be logged in as an MCAA member - you will then be able to click on the 'Join group' at the top of the column on the right - one of the Chapter management team will then admit you as a Chapter member.
The goals and objectives of Croatian Chapter are:
To introduce MSCA values and prospects to Croatian research community; universities, research centres and private sector, encouraging communication and collaborations.
To encourage local networking and establish mutually-beneficial relationships between the MCAA members
To initiate activities that add value to the Alumni network with organisation of seminars, workshops and career development events
To recruit, attract, support and facilitate connections between MC fellows and alumni, and a new prospective MSCA applicants
One of the main activities of the Chapter will be contributing to changing this image and to promote MSC actions among Croatian researchers.
Also, one of the targeted activity, in collaborating with local universities, research centres, national agencies and private sector, will be to bring closer the Croatian members living and working aboard to national scientific institution.
One of the strongest potential of this Chapter is its geographical position. It can foster networking and collaboration between MCAA members from the neighbouring countries setting Croatia as the bellwether in this part of the Europe.