Research Funding
This internal MCAA Working Group focuses on the involvement of MCAA in funding proposals for the benefit of MCAA.
It will also assist Chapters and WGs with developing training activities, and in disseminating information related to proposal writing and funding opportunities.
The number of members of this Working Group is restricted to members with demonstrable experience and expertise in this domain, and who can devote considerable time and effort to supporting the activities of the working group.
Please note that the MCAA Research Funding Working Group DOES NOT provide research funding to MCAA members or to other individuals or organisations, so please DO NOT contact the group asking for research funds.
If you would like to assist the MCAA Research Funding Working Group please send an e-mail to
Aims and objectives:
Create and maintain basic administrative and practical information on the MCAA to facilitate the involvement of MCAA in funding proposals.
Develop a database collecting data concerning available sources of research funding.
Encourage MCAA members and external partners to contribute to the funding database.
Assist chapters to exploit the database for compiling and promoting region-specific opportunities.
Develop and maintain contacts with current and potential partners for funding opportunities
Training activities run in conjunction with Chapters, other WGs, and/or external partners;
Dissemination of information on research funding opportunities via the MCAA portal, social media, and any other forms of communication
Establish best practices, documentation, methodology and task forces to allow the MCAA to be part of proposals in a timely and effective manner;
Develop funding proposals for the MCAA, and participate in funding proposals developed by others
Communicate with the MCAA Board to assess the strategy of MCAA involvement in funding proposals.