Sustainability Working Group


The MCAA Sustainability Working Group aims to foster sustainable initiatives, actions, and measures within and outside of the MCAA community. The group´s mission is to collect, develop, integrate, and apply sustainable practices in research, education, and training activities linked to both science, in general, and to individual behavior, in particular, to reduce the human impact/harm on the environment.



- Help the European community with the implementation of the MSCA Green Charter and sustainable development,

- Analyze the sustainability issues within the MCAA community and draft reports; policy papers to achieve sustainability improvements,

- Provide sustainability training for the MCAA community and the wider scientific community,

- Become an active scientific and policy player on sustainability issues in the EU and worldwide

- Disseminate tools, best practices, and expertise on sustainable scientific work


Should this group raise considerable interest within the MCAA community and gather momentum, a proposal to upgrade it as an MCAA Working Group will be submitted.



- Raising awareness on sustainability among the MCAA community (e.g. disseminating information on sustainability)

- Offer training on sustainability

- Promote small round tables with the different stakeholders, such as the European Commission and funding agencies in order to focus our activity accordingly

- Develop activities to promote sustainability and best practices, such as webinars on the Sustainable Development Goals

- Collaborate with similar-minded organizations on sustainability topics (joining external WG, meetings, etc.)

- If/Once the interest group is promoted to MCAA Working Group: evaluate the possibility of establishing the MCAA Sustainability Award for institutions, single laboratories, projects, associations, etc.


Contact us via the email



Membership of the Chapter is free

But we hope you will contribute your energy and enthusiasm to support our activities



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Alexandra Dubini

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Mariana Rosca

Vice Chair