Effective leadership, and catalysing change in higher education institutions.- workshop

by michael rogers

On April 16-17, UIIN will organize a 2-day workshop at the Amsterdam Science Park to help explore fresh approaches to effective leadership, and catalysing change in higher education institutions.

This hands-on workshop will be led by expert facilitators, who will introduce you to successful strategies and approaches taken by recognized entrepreneurial institutions, such as the University Twente, Technical University of Munich, TeamAcademy, the University of Adelaide, and more.

In addition to diving into theory and practical examples, you will have a chance to design your own Personal Application Project (PAP) to transfer new knowledge in your daily work, as well as your strategic planning for greater outcomes. 


  • Learn from selected best practice examples of some of the most renowned entrepreneurial universities
  • Acquire a holistic understanding of what 'entrepreneurial university' entails
  • Identify the primary drivers, barriers, and opportunities of your institution towards entrepreneurial change
  • Collaboratively generate solutions to common organisational challenges
  • Broaden your network with like-minded professionals while co-creating knowledge and sharing experiences


  • University leaders tasked with strategizing and implementing change in  their universities
  • (Senior) managers involved in engagement, valorisation or third mission activities at their universities
  • Business professional responsible for their organisation's engagement with universities
  • Knowledge transfer professionals
  • Intermediaries between universities and businesses