Call to join Open Science task force


Dear members of the WG Policy, 

We are launching the call for the members of the Open Science Task Force. 

Open Science originally started as movement among scientists, researchers, policy makers, research funders to make scientific research accessible at all levels. Open science is a new way to conduct and evaluate research by opening research to other researchers, collaborator and public. Since research cycle includes various practices, Open Science follows different stages/areas of research; from Open Data, Open Methodology, Open Pre-Review, Open Access and Citizen Science (to name some of them) and includes various stakeholders; researchers, universities, research institutions, research funders, publishers and public. 

Please, watch the short Power Point presentation, attached to this post, and join us. We are looking for members who can contribute in any area of Open Science practices or generally want to contribute to the Open Science policy, Open Science implementation and new evaluation criteria based on Open Science. 

We are looking for you contributions, ideas, suggestions, ...

Best regards

Dr Maja Mise 




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