Panels on Heritage, SIEF conference 2023, BRNO (Czeck Republik)
Dear colleagues,
Sief 2023 16th congress, entitled LIVING UNCERTAINTY, organised by the International Society for Ethnology and Folklore has a few panels on HERITAGE issues.
The congress will take place from June 7th to 10th, 2023.
The call for papers is open now, the deadline is 10th of January 2023.
This is the link to the CFP page of the event:
I myself am involved into the organisation of the following panel:
Panel title: "Documenting performance-based cultural heritage in times of crisis"
Panel co-convenors:
Dr. Monica Mottin (Heidelberg university)
Dr. Barbara Curda (University Clermont Auvergne, ACTé, EA4281, & IFP, UMIFRE 21 & USR Savoirs et Mondes Indiens)
Short abstract:
In times of crisis, documenting performance-based cultural heritage is crucial to foster individuals' and communities' sense of belonging and resilience. How is heritage performance documentation culturally and socially situated? For whom do we document and how?
The link:
With best regards,
Barbara Curda