3 Euraxess surveys!

by Aurelia Chaise


This survey is for researchers throughout Europe, in order to capture your perceptions of:

·        Job opportunities outside academia

·        Researcher competencies valued by employers

·        The knowledge required to engage with and promote yourself to business

In this survey, the term business refers to any sector that is not academia, so it includes industry, corporations/companies, public sector agencies and government departments (but not their research institutes). We use the term academia to include universities and research institutes.

All questions are optional, other than a few (marked with an asterisk*) which are compulsory in order to ensure that different types of users receive the appropriate questions. Please answer every question if you can, but if you cannot then simply move on to the next one.


The survey should take approximately 10 minutes to complete.  Your responses will be anonymous and you will not be identified or identifiable in any report that we publish

Take the survey

Researchers working out of academia and researchers who have been mobile between academia and business – the survey is available at this link.

Employers of researchers out of academia - the survey is available at this link.

Survey button