Call for Abstracts & Call for Early Career Plenary Speaker — Regional Studies Association: Turbulent Times — Rethinking Regions and Cities
What is it? The 2019 RSA Winter Conference, will take place from 14 to 15 November in London (UK).
The history of regions and the ‘regional studies project’ has always had at its core concerns relating to new and increased social and spatial inequalities resulting from economic and political change.
What are the topics?
- Evaluating new and existing concepts, theories, frameworks, methods and vocabularies for understanding regional development;
- Industry 4.0 and the future shape of innovation, industrial development and strategy;
- Post-2020 EU Budget, the future of EU Policies and their implications for cities and regions;
- Energy transitions, environmental sustainability, and designing future cities and regions;
- Assessing new financial instruments for city and regional development;
- Brexit geographies and the future for investment, trading relations and their regional impacts;
- The role of planning, governance and devolution in turbulent times;
- The role of universities and other institutions in shaping places and futures;
- New tools and techniques for visualising and modelling cities and regions;
- The changing geographies and spatial impacts of global investment flows, Global Value Chains and global connectivity;
- Global migration flows and the integration of migrants into cities and regions;
- Technological change, innovation and its implications for cities and regions.
Call for Early Career Plenary Speaker: We seek applications from early career researchers to present an Early Career Plenary Presentation at the forthcoming Winter Conference 2019.
What are the deadlines?
- Early Career Plenary Speaker application: 26 April 2019
- Abstract submission: 19 August 2019