Call for papers – 7th European Conference on ICT for Transport Logistics (ECITL)
What is it? Scientist, PhD Candidates and PhD Students as well as Graduated Students in the field of Transport Logistics, Supply Chain Management and ICT are invited to submit a scientific paper for the “7th European Conference on ICT for Transport Logistics” (ECITL)” that will take place from 5 to 7 November in Dortmund, Germany. The focus of the conference is “ICT drives transport logistics cooperation”.
What is the deadline? Proposals must be sent by 31 July.
What is the award? The best submitted scientific paper will be honored with EUR 700,- by the “Gebrüder Weiss Best Paper Award”. Also, the best submitted papers have the chance to get published in the International Journal of Advanced Logistics.
Which are the topics? The scientific paper may include the following topics (the list is not exhaustive):
- electronic Freight and Intelligent Cargo
- co-operative Intelligent Transport Systems (C-ITS)
- competitiveness through Innovation
- enhanced concepts of collaboration, cooperation and communication in logistics and supply
- chain management
- fostering collaboration and synergies alongside supply chains with ICT
- enhanced supply chain transparency
- ICT in Logistics: New solutions and approaches / ICT as an enabler for innovative and green
- logistics
- semantic Frameworks and Paperless Freight
- applications of ICT in Transport Logistics / ICT solutions to support multimodal, synchromodal operations and customer integration solutions
- data exchange / open data / data protection
- semantic Framework in Logistics
- risk Management & Business Continuity
- resistant supply chains: robustness and resilience in transport logistics
- enhanced supply chain intelligence and knowledge sharing
- supply chain risk-, business continuity-, and crisis management.
What should the scientific paper contain? The proposal must include:
- title of paper
- name(s) of authors
- full postal address, telephone, fax and e-mail address
- abstract (max 300 words)
- keywords (max 10 words)
- introduction
- conclusion and Outlook
- reference list.
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