Wishes for the UK Chapter's upcoming year 23-24


Dear member of the UK Chapter,

Thanks to your confidence, I officially started my mandate as a chair of the UK chapter on the 1st of September.

During the vote, I detailed two essential needs for our chapter: (1) expand our community by making eligible beneficiaries, and (2) activate our group by connecting people.

However, we have one of the most significant chapter with over 750 active members. Consequently, understanding your needs and wishes is a key step for the success of the upcoming year.

To do this, please fill out this short form (5 minutes): https://forms.gle/ohAkY76cvdVydQXUA

Questions are about preferred communication channels, your wishes and ideas.

At the end, you will have the opportunity to volunteer to join the team. Please understand that our capacity as a Chapter is directly proportional to the members ready to volunteer for the project they want to see happen! With the philosophy of the least cost for the most effect, don’t hesitate to try something with us. We will be happy to support your project.

Finally, the form will be open until 24 September and you can expect its results in early October.

Thank you for your participation, and feel free to contact us anytime at united-kingdom.chapter@mariecuriealumni.eu.

Quentin Loisel