Career Development

This group aims to provide career development information to MCAA members. The group allows us to share information about career fairs, jobs, research funding and events.

Membership of the group is fully open to all MCAA members. Please feel free to post any relevant information.


Membership of the Chapter is free

But we hope you will contribute your energy and enthusiasm to support our activities


Latest Events

MCAA-UK&Spain/Portugal chapters_Careers after the MSCA fellowship: Alternative careers beyond academia and industry


Join us to hear our expert panellists share their journey on switching career paths and tips on how one can prepare for this transition.

MCAA-UK Chapter_Career pathways: exploring options in the industry sector after a MSCA fellowship (online webinar)


Join us to hear our expert panellists share their journey on switching career paths and tips on how one can prepare for this transition. 

MCAA-UK Chapter_Careers in higher education after a MSCA fellowship (online webinar)


Careers in higher education after a MSCA fellowship: Explore possibilities for teaching, researching, entrepreneurship, and governance in Higher Education (HE) in the UK

WORKSHOP: How to write a successful IF MSCA proposal in Mathematics and Computer Science


The Department of Mathematics and Computers Science is organizing a practical 2-day training on how to write a successful IF MSCA proposal in Mathematics and Computer Science. The Event is organized by an experienced Vice-Chair of the MSCA calls (Head of the Project Management Department) and the two-day event will be composed of practical material lead by an IF MSCA Grant holder, experienced IF MSCA supervisor in the field and a Vice-Chair/evaluator of the proposal grants. 3 traveling grants for international applicants are guaranteed. For more information please visit: