Top 10 YouTube Videos about European Research Funding

Understanding the various opportunities for research funding at the European level can be a confusing task. But there’s plenty of information out there if you know where to look. We’ve compiled a top-10 list of videos that could help you.

  1. Horizon 2020 – How to apply
    Interested in learning more about EU funding opportunities for your research or innovation project? This short animation will guide you through the steps involved in applying to Horizon 2020.
  2. Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions
    This playlist includes a variety of videos introducing the various Marie Skłodowska-Curie opportunities, including the Initial Training Network and Reintegration Fellowship.
  3. Step-by-Step ERC Grants
    The above video gives a graphical introduction to the European Research Council (ERC), highly prestigious grants awarded purely on the basis of excellence. In other videos Dr Pablo Huertas speaks of his experience in applying to the Starting Grant Programme and Professor Luke O'Neill provides a case study for the benefits of receiving an Advanced Grant.
  4. Access to funding for SMEs
    Triin Udris from the Enterprise Europe Network explains how SMEs can access funding from the new Horizon 2020 EU programme. If you have more time on your hands, this webinar offers a full explanation.
  5. Horizon 2020 – Societal challenges
    Europe faces significant societal challenges; Horizon 2020 provides funding for research and innovation to pave the way for solutions to seven of today's challenges.
  6. COST Exhibition at the European Parliament
    COST is an intergovernmental framework for European Cooperation in Science and Technology, allowing the coordination of nationally funded research on a European level. In this video, key figures speak about the programme at the European Parliament.
  7. JPI Oceans – Where we're heading
    Joint Programming Initiatives (JPIs) pool national research efforts in order to make better use of Europe's public R&D resources, as well as tackling common European challenges in a few key areas; for example JPI Oceans.
  8. ERASysBio – Introduction and Data Management
    The ERA-NET scheme involves the coordination of research activities carried out at a national or regional level. ERASysBio is an ERA-NET for Systems Biology.
  9. Joint Research Centre at a glance
    The JRC provides independent scientific and technical advice to the European Commission in support of a wide range of European Union policies. It has seven scientific institutes located at six different sites in Belgium, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands and Spain This video presents the JRC's priorities.
  10. Chemical Party
    Finally we take a more light-hearted look at the EC’s attempt to attract people to the Marie Curie programme through a chemical party!
