Meet the new board - Gian Maria Greco


Gian Maria Greco at MCAA's 2024 conference

Specialised in accessibility, diversity, inclusion, and communication, the new Chair of the Board, Gian Maria Greco, has vast experience in topics that are valuable for a community like the MCAA. He encourages all members to get involved in the workings of the Association: “Each voice is essential to our flourishing.”

Although Gian Maria Greco has held academic positions in several universities, his transition to working in research is quite a recent development in his career. Before that, his professional focus was on project management and accessible communication, topics on which he worked in various institutions, organisations and companies for nearly fifteen years.

In fact, it was upon receiving his MSCA grant that Gian Maria really moved to scholarly research. In 2017, shortly after beginning the fellowship, he attended the MCAA Annual Conference – a turning point in his path in the Association.

“In a session hosted by the Communication Working Group, I voiced concerns regarding the quality of the MCAA's publications. The following week, the Communication Working Group contacted me and asked if I was interested in overseeing these. Since then, my engagement with the MCAA has grown exponentially. I am deeply committed to the value of our organisation for both the research community and society at large,” Gian Maria explains.

Gian Maria, who is currently a senior research fellow at the University of Macerata, has since then had a varied trajectory and responsibilities in the MCAA. For example, he has professionalised some of the key communication outlets of the MCAA, namely the MCAA Newsletter and the IRRADIUM magazine, contributed to the Policy Working Group and the Genders, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Working Group, and been one of the driving forces of the MCAA Whistleblowing Channel as well as the ResearchAbility Initiative promoting accessibility and inclusion in higher education in Europe.

For the past two years, he’s also been a member of the MCAA board, and, in the most recent General Assembly in Milan, he was elected as Chair.

“My desire to be part of our Board stems from my deep appreciation for participating in a network that is committed to enhancing the development, societal role, and influence of researchers. My journey as a member of the MCAA has been a source of inspiration, motivating me to make a more substantial contribution to our shared objectives.”

The upcoming two years with the new Board, Gian Maria sees as a combination of operational tasks and strategic visioning. As a key priority, he mentions the successful completion and reporting of the ongoing Coordination and Support Action (CSA) funding given to the MCAA by the European Commission, and the preparation of the next CSA grant proposal, crucial for the day-today operations of the Association. Other important issues include enhancing member participation, boosting event organisation, and expanding the services available for members.

In addition to MCAA’s Operational functionality, Gian Maria aims to address various strategic focuses with the new Board.

From left to right: Hakim Ferria, Irene Castellano Pellicena, Pavlo Bazilinskyy, Maria Magdalena Razalan, Gian Maria Greco, Farah Islam, Virginia Albarracín, Corinne Portioli, Ornela Bardhi, Joaquín Capablo

“These include our financial independence, increasing member involvement to strengthen our community, enhancing our presence in external forums to amplify our voice, and promoting diversity and inclusion within the MCAA and the wider research landscape. These efforts are geared toward not only addressing immediate needs but also shaping the MCAA's future direction and impact,” he concludes.

Kira Keini
MCAA Communication Officer