Ornela Bardhi
Ornela Bardhi has worked in academia, the science-policy interface, and the industry. Now, as part of the new MCAA Board, she wants to raise awareness about the diverse career options available for researchers.
Ornela Bardhi has an impressive track record of countries in which she’s lived and worked – nine in total – but also of the different sectors and roles she’s worked in since finishing her PhD, which focused on applying machine learning techniques and algorithms to medical data.
“While I enjoy research, I believe not every researcher should pursue an academic career. After completing my PhD, I served as a scientific advisor to the Minister of Health and Social Protection of Albania. Currently, I hold a position as a senior researcher and data scientist at Success Clinic, a research office providing solutions for pharmaceutical marketing and sales,” Ornela says.
In addition to her impressive career, Ornela has been a member of the MCAA since 2017. She is one of the founders of the Western Balkans Chapter, in which she’s served as a Board member, national representative for Albania, Chair of the Board, and most recently as an advisor to the Board.
Participating actively in the workings of the MCAA and the Western Balkans Chapter has been beneficial to Ornela in more ways than one.
“Through the Association, I have been exposed to new opportunities, such as collaborating with individuals I may not have met otherwise and being invited to write and speak at regional and global events,” she explains.
Due to her own experiences, something Ornela wants to promote during her mandate is increased awareness among MCAA members of career options outside academia.
“Given the limited availability of academic positions and the diverse range of careers beyond academia, raising awareness and exploring alternative options is crucial for MCAA members. My goal is to expand professional development opportunities, with an emphasis on reskilling and upskilling initiatives.”
Another topic she is passionate about has to do with building connections between science and policymaking. She believes that the MCAA could have an essential role in bringing the two worlds together.
“I believe it is essential for more researchers to be involved in policymaking. With experts from various fields within the MCAA community, we have the opportunity to serve as a bridge between experts and policymakers.”
Kira Keini
MCAA Communication Officer