Corinne Portioli
Corinne Portioli advocates for women in science. She is motivated by the possibility of contributing to the MCAA members’ career paths as part of the newly elected Board. Her mandate continues for a second term, this time as Vice-Chair.
Two-time MSCA fellow Corinne Portioli is now a two-time MCAA Board member. On the previous Board, she served first as an Ordinary Member and later as the Secretary. In the latest General Assembly of the MCAA in Milan, she was elected Vice-Chair. She’s also a member of the Italy Chapter and the Board of the North America Chapter.
“I joined the MCAA during the implementation of the new Coordination and Support Action (CSA) grant given to the Association by the European Commission. Therefore I had the chance to follow all the steps of the process from its set-up to hiring the Operational Team and coordinating diverse activities and tasks, all the while without losing the main goal of the MCAA in guaranteeing support to its alumni community.”
Corinne currently works as an MSCACOFUND researcher at the Instituto Italiano di Tecnologia. Her research focuses on understanding the physiology of the brain, especially in relation to pathological processes. She is also an advocate of women in science, supporting women in leadership positions in STEM, something she will continue to promote as part of the MCAA Board.
“I would like to keep contributing to our members’ professional paths, through lifelong career development support, networking, and advocacy as the main goal of the Association.”
Corinne sees that an important part of the mandate is to support the MCAA Board’s continuity. The present builds on the foundations of the past, allowing room for developments in the future.
“We should build a smooth and positive environment for the next Boards ahead, improving what the past Boards created, while adapting to the needs of our community of fellows.”
To the members of the MCAA, Corinne sends an important message:“We are here for you, for us, as a community. Share the ideas you have to see the concrete opportunities for impact!“
Kira Keini
MCAA Communication Officer