Meet the new board - Joaquin Capablo


Joaquín Capablo

Joaquín Capablo

Joaquín Capablo has actively been a part of the MCAA since his postdoctoral fellowship. As the new Vice-Chair of the Board, one of his goals is to further promote collaboration among MCAA members, but also strengthen ties with relevant external actors.

When Joaquín Capablo first heard about the MCAA while completing his postdoctoral fellowship, he was sold. “I immediately joined, as I firmly believe that the MCAA is a fantastic forum for international networking, with plenty of space to promote debates among our members, institutions, and the society on trending topics in research, such as research assessment, mental health, or career development,” he explains.

Since then, he has become more and more involved in the Association, and for the past four years, he’s chaired the Spain-Portugal Chapter. Joaquín also took an intensive course on event management, as his chapter hosted two MCAA Annual Conferences and General Assemblies in a row: first, the 2022 edition in the Portuguese capital of Lisbon, followed by the 2023 conference in Córdoba, Spain.

With a PhD in fluid mechanics and work experience as a researcher in both academia and industry, Joaquín currently works as the manager of an MSCA programme for postdoctoral researchers in Spain. He trusts his diverse professional know-how is an asset for his mandate as the new Vice-Chair of the MCAA Board. “I am confident that I can contribute my international experience in different sectors and roles, from researcher and professor to project manager and mentor, to the objectives of the MCAA so that they can have a constructive effect in our daily lives – not only in the research environment but also outside of it. I’m convinced that we could have a positive impact in all areas of society.”

For the two years ahead, Joaquín lists three priorities. The first includes boosting collaboration: within the community – between MCAA members, Chapters, and Working Groups – but also externally, with partners from public administration, national research councils, and national researcher associations, among others. The second has to do with the optimisation of processes related to management as much as possible, enabling the smooth functioning of the Association and all its divisions.

Finally, Joaquín emphasises the importance of continuing to enhance the MCAA member experience by further improving networking opportunities, offering career development support, and, thereby, strengthening member engagement.

“I strongly believe that we can give something back to the research community and society from what we have received along our careers. Our network has great potential, so boosting alumni connections and engagement is a key objective to focus on.”

Kira Keini
MCAA Communication Officer