2018 MCAA Conference General Assembly

2018 General Assembly

The 2018 MCAA Conference and General Assembly took place on Friday 2nd and Saturday 3rd of February 2017 in KU Leuven, Belgium. The University of Leuven was our host for this event. The MCAA Board would like to thank, on behalf of all members, all the local organisations, individuals and volunteers who contributed to the success of the event.


The main areas of interest that have been covered during the two days, were about career development, innovation and societal challenges. Participants were encouraged to be active contributors in poster presentations, short pitches and plenary talks.

By following the sections below, you can be guided to the happenings of the 2018 MCAA Conference and General Assembly. There, you can find the streamed and recorded sessions of the two days, photo libraries, the presentations, and all other information related to our annual events.

See you all next year in Austria!



Registration and reception of participants


Welcome and Introduction


Plenary talk


Coffee Break


Parallel Sessions:

Innovation in Europe

Carrer choices and career development


Lunch & Poster Session


Workshop Sessions

Getting invloved in Science Communication.

Writing a successful if application.

Writing a Successful erc application.

Future Leadership programs in industries: fast track career paths for PHD and post-docs / writing your CV.

Protecting intellectual property and setting up your own spinoff company.

The good, the bad and the ugly. Caerer paths, research funds and the role of host institutions in supporting humanities and social sciencies researchers.

Mentoring session.

Balancing Professional and personal life research career development.

15:30-16:00 Coffee Break


“Open science”

Opportunities in industry & beyond: employer speed dating


Dinner with science slam and MCAA awards ceremony

Trudy Dehue Speech

Trudy Dehue Speech (You must be a member of MCAA to access this file)


Welcome and Introduction

Parallel Sessions

Career Choices and Career Development

Innovation in Europe

Workshop Sessions

Writing an IF application

Writing a successful ERC application
Future Leadership

Protecting Intellectual Property

The Good, The Bad

Mentoring Session 

Balancing Professional and Personal Life

Open Science

Social Dinner


MCAA 2018 ANNUAL CONFERENCE Innovation in Europe
MCAA 2018 ANNUAL CONFERENCE Writing a successful IF Application 



08:30 – 09:30

Registration and Reception of Members.

09:30 – 11:00

Administrative procedures

Opening Session / Plenary Talk

Session Description:

  • Approval of the minutes of the General Assembly 2017 and Report on 2017 Activities
  • Approval of the Election Process (members will be briefed on the electronic voting procedures)
  • Approval of Annual Accounts 2017
  • Appointment of the Chairs of Working Groups and Chapters 

11:00 - 11:30

Coffee-break and networking

11:30 - 12:30

Election of the MCAA board

12:30 - 14:00

Lunch break and networking

14:00 - 15:00

Parallel sessions for Working Groups:


Career Development

Gender equality for mobile researchers in science

Bridging science and business

Events and networking 


Financial affairs

15:00 – 15:30

Coffee-break and networking

15:30 – 16:50

Promoting Engagement of Membership within MCAA

16:50 – 17:30

Announcement of election results


Closure session


City visit (for registered participants)

Minutes of 2018 General Assembly


Administrative Procedures

Approval of Annual Accounts 2017

Appointment of the Chairs of Working Groups and Chapters

Parallel Sessions

WG Bridging Science and Business 

WG Career Development

WG Financial Affairs

WG Gender Equality 

WG Policy 

Promoting Engagement of Membership within MCAA


MCAA Bridging science and business 2018
Watch the MCAA General Assembly LIVE on the 3rd of February Through web-streaming


Book of Abstracts 2018

Download the Book of Abstracts 2018 Here