Several Marie Curie fellows have already worked on projects under the umbrella of the JTIs. For more information on the opportunities available, see below.
Joint Technology Initiatives (JTIs) are a type of partnership between the European Union and the private sector established under Article 187 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the EU:
Article 187 TFEU (ex Article 171 TEC)
The Union may set up joint undertakings or any other structure necessary for the efficient execution of
Union research, technological development and demonstration programmes.
The JTIs address strategic technologies that will underpin growth and jobs in globally competitive sectors. Each JTI has clearly defined objectives aimed at breakthroughs:
- Innovative Medicines: improving European citizens' health and wellbeing by providing new and more effective diagnostics and treatments such as new antimicrobial treatments;
- Fuel Cells and Hydrogen: developing commercially viable, clean, solutions that use hydrogen as an energy carrier and of fuel cells as energy converters;
- Clean Sky: radically reducing the environmental impact of the next generation of aircraft;
- Bio-based Industries: developing new and competitive bio-based value chains that replace the need for fossil fuels and have a strong impact on rural development;
- Electronic Components and Systems: keeping Europe at the forefront of electronic components and systems and bridge faster the gap to exploitation.