Definition of the day: European Innovation Partnerships (EIPs)

The European Innovation Partnerships (EIPs) represent a new approach of partnerships by focusing on the societal benefits of Research and Innovation and on a rapid modernisation of the associated sectors and markets.


European Innovation Partnerships (EIPs) make up some of the key initiatives established under the Innovation Union (IU) (one of the targets of the European Union 2020 Strategy). EIPs are launched in cases where combining funding from national governments, with support from EU, other national and regional actors is justified.

Four objectives

EIPs bring together actors at the European, national and regional level to focus on four objectives:

  1. stepping up research and development efforts;
  2. coordinating investments in demonstration and pilots;
  3. anticipating and fast-track any necessary regulation and standards;
  4. mobilising ‘demand’ in particular through better coordinated public procurement to ensure that any breakthroughs are quickly brought to market.

EIPs areas

  • Active and Healthy Ageing: the EIP on Active and Healthy Ageing aims to enable EU citizens to lead healthy, active and independent lives. Improving the sustainability and efficiency of social and healthcare systems, boosting and improving the competitiveness of the markets for innovative products and services. Responding to the ageing challenge at both EU and global level, creates new opportunities for businesses.
  • Agricultural Sustainability and productivity: the agricultural EIP (EIP-AGRI) aims to foster competitive and sustainable farming and forestry, ensuring a steady supply of food, feed and biomaterials, thus developing its work in harmony with the essential natural resources on which farming depends.
  • Smart cities and Communities: the EIP on Smart Cities and Communities (EIP-SCC) looks to establish strategic partnerships between industry and European cities to develop the urban systems and infrastructures of tomorrow. It aims to reduce high-energy consumption, greenhouse gas emissions, bad air quality and traffic congestion.
  • Water: the EIP Water aims to speed up development of water innovation, to contribute to sustainable growth and employment, and to stimulate uptake of water innovations by market and society.
  • Raw Materials: the EIP aims to reduce the shortage of raw materials, which may undermine EU industry's capacity to produce strategic products for society.


More information about EIPs:

Frequently Asked Questions about EIPs:

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